The Ogden Candle
16 oz Natural Soy Wax Candle
10 in stock
Categories: Housewaresproduct_catMoonstone Aroma's
Tags: 16 oz candle, dog food candle, ogden candle, smells good, smoke and leather candle, soy wax candle, the ogden candle, tourist candle
Located not far from downtown Ogden is a dog food factory so if you’ve ever visited you may have noticed this unforgettable stench! So here’s my little joke on our sometimes stinky town!
For this 16 oz, soy wax candle, I combined smoke and leather fragrances to capture the essence of a meaty dog food but actually give you a good, rugged smelling candle!
Shipping cost is included in the price, no additional shipping cost charged at check out.
Please note: during the first burn, allow the candle to melt to the edges of the jar. Failure to do so can result in tunneling, poor scent throw and poor burn times.
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