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Hand Dyed Bamboo Socks


Hand Dyed Bamboo Socks

16 in stock


Hand Dyed Bamboo Socks!

These are a beautiful, soft and durable socks. Each pair is hand dyed with low impact synthetic dye which creates it’s own unique designs creating art.  These are adult size bamboo socks.  The colors will very with every sock you purchase since they are all hand dyed with love.  Let me know if you like a specific color and I can make sure it is one of the colors on your new socks!

These are made by Stephanie from Our Children’s Earth. Stephanie has always had a passion for creating things and working for a good cause. This company is a combination of those ideas. She strongly believes that what we do today affects our Children and the Earth of tomorrow. So Our Children’s Earth, LLC was born. At Our Children’s Earth, LLC, we make eco-friendly and nature-inspired clothes, jewelry and household items.

We have been featured in the Huffington Post, VEIN Magazine, Indie Ogden, Standard Examiner and a variety of blogs and more.

Stephanie also teaches a wide variety of classes at The Local Artisan Collective.


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No Thumbs, Children, Teen, Small to Medium Adult, Medium to Large Adult, Extra Large Adult